
Course outline

Modern JavaScript

JavaScript has changed a lot during the last few years. From a slow scripting language, it has evolved and is now a fully fledged object-oriented language with lots of modern features. Come and see what’s new.

Since 2015, we have a yearly release of JavaScript features added to the specification. (The latest one is “Ecmascript 2020”.)

Day 1

Learn all about ECMAScript
1. Using ECMAScript 2020 (ECMAScript 11) 
  • Why EcmaScript?
  • Browser Support, Node.js Support
  • Using kangax to get the supported list
  • About linting
  • Transpilers: TypeScript and Babel
2. New syntax 
  • let
  • const
  • string interpolation
  • Binary, Octal, Unicode, Regexp Literals
  • Map/Set
  • For ... of
3. Functions and objects 
  • Arrow functions
  • Arrow functions and the 'this' scope
  • Default function parameters
  • Enhancing object literals
  • Property shorthand for objects
  • Destructuring assignment
  • Spread syntax/Rest Parameter
4. Modules 
  • Value Export/Import
  • Default & Wildcard
  • Html elements to declare modules
5. Asynchronous Features 
  • Intro to promises
  • Building promises
  • Promise Combination
  • Loading data with fetch
  • Async and await
  • Compare "fetch": using Promises vs Async/Await
6. Classes 
  • New class syntax
  • Class inheritance
  • Getters and setters
  • Base class access
  • Static members
  • Private members
7. Arrays 
  • Creating arrays
  • Typed arrays
  • Array.find()
  • Array.forEach()
  • Array.flat()
  • Array.reduce()
  • Array.every()
  • Array.some()
8. Nice to know 
  • Object.assign()
  • Collation
  • Formatting Currency and Date/Time
  • Reflection and Proxying
  • Generators and Iterators